Body for Life, the Universe, and Everything

Being a description of the author's thoughts on the experience of participating in the "Body for Life" Challenge, questions of great philosophical import, and randomly selected topics of no significance whatsoever

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Location: Missouri, United States

In no particular order, I'm a professional lettering artist, a yoga practitioner, a cat lover, a vegetarian, a reader of everything from books to cereal boxes, married to a very attractive guy named Tom (nope, no kids), an exercise enthusiast, and a lot of other things I don't care to admit in a public forum. I have a BS in applied math that I haven't used in over 10 years, and I can put both feet behind my head. What else would you like to know?

Monday, January 23, 2006

A Sneakily Radical Way of Eating

A couple of days ago, I was trying to make a dent in the stack of unread magazines (although much of the house has been decluttered, I have trouble letting go of unread reading material), and I came across an interesting article in Yoga Journal regarding food, and people's relationship/attitudes relating to it. As a result of that article, I decided to change my approach to my diet (diet being a way of eating, rather than something specifically designed for weight loss). My new approach is to say that any food is permissible at any long as I really think about it first, and stay mindful of what I am eating while I eat it. That means that before I eat anything, I think about whether I am really hungry or just trying to fill some other lack with food. I think about what I really want to eat. I think about what will be the most satisfying, and how I will feel afterwards. I think about my long-term goals. And once I start eating, I focus on the experience of eating...the flavors, the textures, the scents, and how I feel.

I am just starting to work with this approach, but it has paid off very well so far. I am eating better, I am eating less, and I am enjoying what I eat much more. It has been an entirely positive experience thus far. I'll keep you posted.


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